Our courses are aimed at students and interested parties from various disciplines such as urban planning, environmental sciences, transportation planning and related fields. Both Bachelor's and Master's students have the opportunity to deal with current topics of active mobility in these courses and to learn innovative approaches to the design of sustainable transportation systems. Our courses promote interdisciplinary cooperation and offer a comprehensive insight into the challenges and opportunities in the field of active mobility.
Courses in the winter semester 2024/25
University of Graz
PS, 3 semester hours, 4ECTS
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Nina Hampl
University of Graz
AG, 3 semester hours, 5ECTS
Lecturer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nina Hampl, Viktoria Schett MSc MA MA
University of Graz
KS, 2 semester hours, 4ECTS
Lecturer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nina Hampl
University of Technology Graz
SE, 1,5 semester hours, 2ECTS
Lecturer: Arch. Univ.-Prof. Aglaee Degros, Barbara Holler BSc MSc
Courses in the summer semester 2025
University of Graz
PS, 2 semester hours, 4ECTS
Lecturer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nina Hampl
University of Graz
KS, 2 semester hours, 4ECTS
Lecturer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nina Hampl
University of Graz
PS, 2 semester hours, 4ECTS
Lecturer: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nina Hampl